The Bermuda Sea Cadet Corps and the Bermuda Sea Cadet Association are entirely voluntary organisations, led by a dedicated group of uniformed instructors and civilian volunteers.

In Operation
Sea Cadets and Junior Cadets
Uniformed Instructors
Training of the Cadets and Junior Cadets is led by our adult uniformed instructors, all of whom are volunteers. As in the Royal Navy, the uniformed personnel are comprised of both Officers and Senior Rates. Officers wear the uniform of the Royal Navy Reserve, and Senior Rates (non-commissioned officers) wear a modified version of the same. All instructors receive training in first aid, child safeguarding, instructional method and relevant skills.
All of our volunteers are passionate about the value of the Sea Cadet experience, and dedicated to providing the best possible opportunities for the Cadets.
Civilian Volunteers
None of what we do would be possible without the support of our civilian volunteers. Whether it is managing accounts and fundraising, or making repairs to our buidings and equipment, or baking some treats for the Cadets when they have training weekends, our adult volunteers make it happen. Each Unit is managed by a Unit Management Committee (“UMC”), led by a Chairman and staffed with parents, friends and supporters of the Cadets. The Chairman of each UMC also represents their Unit on the governing body, the Bermuda Sea Cadet Association Executive Committee.
Contact us now to find out how you can become a volunteer, whether as a uniformed instructor helping to deliver our training, or as a civilian volunteer supporting the Cadets’ efforts! Your time, your skills - and your leadership - are just what we need to help our Cadets to become the leaders of tomorrow!